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jfk 5:12 Sat Mar 9
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
Fucking dump.

jfk 5:10 Sat Mar 9
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
Grub in Rome is the worst in Europe.
Everywhere it’s fucking pasta four ways or fucking pizza.
Or a bit of offal,lacks any kind of imagination the menu hasn’t changed since the Romans gobbed off.
Load of old spaghetti shit.

Italy’s a poor man’s Spain.

jfk 5:00 Sat Mar 9
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
Sided with the fucking Germans in two world wars the spineless cunts.
Big tough Italians ????

jfk 4:54 Sat Mar 9
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
Goose can fuck right off,Italians the undisputed bottle jobs of Europe.

jfk 4:51 Sat Mar 9
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
cambsiron 11:59 Fri Mar
Spot on,
I was in Rome with my missus a couple off years ago for her 50 th.
Safe nice enough city but a couple off divs tried it on.
Shit theirselves when fronted..
All mouth and trousers,absolute wankers.

Leavemyarcelona 2:11 Sat Mar 9
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
Not at all Jihadi Goose.

cambsiron 11:59 Fri Mar 8
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
Italians are cowards. Always have been, always will be. They are thieves as well, always have been, always will be. Their strategy is run in with a mob, do some cowardly acts, then run away. Would love to see them go toe to toe with West Ham. I was there in Palermo.

WHUDeano 11:29 Fri Mar 8
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
From attending my first match as 4 year old in 1986 to the current day, and attending literally hundreds and hundreds of games since, I'd wager Palermo away will forever be by far and away the craziest away day I'll ever experience.

Side of Ham 11:15 Fri Mar 8
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
It's not just Rome though is it with them, didn't their old bill steam into our prawn sandwich brigade watching England over there one year?

They're never going to stop it, so the only other option is to make sure they get a good hiding when they come here and we just don't seem to be too bothered with revenge these days and using the numbers to pick on them, we've sort of moved on from them it seems.

Gaffer58 10:21 Fri Mar 8
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
This seems to happen every time a British club goes to Italy, but we’re the hooligans.

Russ of the BML 12:44 Fri Mar 8
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
Stabbed up the bottom?

goose 9:56 Fri Mar 8
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
Leavemy……. You must be on a wind up. Nobody is that thick in real life.

GoalLazio 8:06 Fri Mar 8
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
Probably a couple of batty boys hoping for pork swords so deserved it

OccupyGreenStreet 2:48 Fri Mar 8
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
It’s a Roma trademark. Been going on against all visiting fans for years. Yet Roma rarely gets called out for its shitty fanbase.

Leavemyarcelona 2:06 Fri Mar 8
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
Alright Jihadi Goose...longtime

Yh woke mongs like you and the other tosspot whinging about fans having a pop back.

Hows miss Begum?

goose 12:13 Fri Mar 8
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
woke? you fucking plank.

violator 11:55 Thu Mar 7
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
It's mad that all the rugby fans can go there and doesn't seem to be any trouble, but my Fulham mate said it was a nightmare when they were out there, always a threat about the place.

frank_booth 11:32 Thu Mar 7
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
What has woke got to do with anything you fucking dafty!

Leavemyarcelona 9:37 Thu Mar 7
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
Yet if we defend ourselves we are the ones in trouble with the woke authorities

Dick Shaftsbury 9:37 Thu Mar 7
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
No doubt they rode off on a scooter. Coward cunts

bruuuno 9:35 Thu Mar 7
Re: Two Brighton Stabbed in Rome
Absolute cunts . I’m sick of innocent English fans being targeted abroad

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